Thursday, June 4, 2009

Starting point...

So here I am- so FAT I fear I may not out live my parents. I am 5'7" and weigh about 265 lbs. I wear a size 22/24 women's (American size). I weigh 2 lbs less than I did when I gave birth to my youngest child. I wear more maternity tops than regular shirts, because I don't like how the rest fit me. So, It's time! I can not afford to join WW, J.C., TOPS... But I also can't afford to stay where I am.

My plan: to loose 110 lbs within the next 2 years. That is reasonable. That's only 55lbs a year... Less than 5lbs a MONTH. JUST over 1lb a week.

How: Healthier choices for at least 6 days a week. Lower salt, fat, and caloric intake. Enlist the support of my friends and family. Pray that my husband gets on board too... he could use to loose 110 lbs over the next 2 years too! One BIG step- get the unhealthy snack foods I reach for in the middle of the day OUT of the house. Get ME out of the house in the middle of the day. I also have a sister-in-law that is a personal trainer and has a full gym at her house.. and I have a sadly unused gym membership... Anyhow, sister-in-law has offered to train my husband and I for free. I need to be brave and accept her offer!

First goal weight: 260 by 4th of July. TOTALLY doable! If I were to REALLY try, I could probably be at 260 by Father's Day... but I know I need to work into"diet" mode.

Please, if I have sent you a link to this, keep me on track. Harass me and remind me I do not WANT to be this fat anymore. If I am at a party or gathering with you, kindly (please don't shame me) remind me of my commitment. Ask me what I want to teach the boys about eating habits. Remind me that both of my mom's parents died of heart disease, and my own parents both have heart conditions. Remind me that now in my 30's is the time to make the change. Waiting until 40, 50, 75.... it will be harder with EVERY year I put it off... or keep it on, that is. ;)

I do not want to be the fat girl forever. I do not want my kids to be the fat kids in class. I do not want to die before I am of a "ripe old age".

Thank you for your support! And- if you're looking to loose weight, create a blog yourself and ask me to follow you as well! We can support each other as we loose the unwanted/unhealthy pounds! :D

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